
What are the Pitfalls of Vintage Clothing and How to Take Care of It?

Vintage clothing is so beautifully made, or else it wouldn’t last for very long. But, you also need to remember that it is second hand clothing and such items have been used before. And for the same, you must always check the certain stress points like under the arms, fastenings, zips, and also look out for moth holes, tears and other issues as well. Some damage can be easily repaired, but if the material is overused, it will be nothing but useless.

Vintage clothes of the 1980s fashion must always be cleaned by a professional and you may need to consider the cost for the same because it can cost you more than you both the clothing in the first place. Always try your best to keep them away from being stained from greases and liquids like red wine or anything that the detergent wouldn’t be able to remove.

When it comes to washing, always use a delicate hand wash liquid that has chemicals that can exacerbate the vintage items. Wash and rinse and then rinse again. When considering reputable washing machines, common sense is a must. Always wash on delicate to warm to cold temperatures and then hang it out for drying.

Never tumble dry the vintage items. You can remove tiny spots but ensure not to ruin the fabric. Before doing the same, always test the fabric from solutions like water, spot cleaner or alcohol etc. and test it in an area that is not hard to notice. The stability of the dye is a factor that leads to the successful removal of the stain. Keep in mind that red is the least stable color, so be careful when dealing with the same. Fabrics like velvet, rayon, acetate and weighted silk can be fragile, so be wary of the same too.

Never attempt cleaning the weighted silk in any manner. Always let a professional deal with this fabric. Always be kind and gentle when working with the cleaning methods. Scrubbing and wringing the fabrics tend to weaken it. Always press water and cleaners via the fabric by flatting it with your hands.

Many times the 80s clothes may not need extensive cleaning of any kind but they have an overwhelmingly bad musty smile. An air ionizer is perfect in getting rid of the odors from the clothing. Just put it in a sealed room with the machine for at least a day and the odor is gone.

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